Year 11 RS: Study of Buddhism & Christianity (AQA Paper 1A)
Topic outline
AQA GCSE Religious Studies Syllabus A Paper 1A:
Study of Buddhism & Christianity
Paper 8062/11 (Buddhism) & Paper 8062/13 (Christianity)
Page contents:
- General
- Buddhist Beliefs
- Buddhist Practices
- Christian Beliefs
- Christian Practices
- Exam Questions & Advice for Paper 1A: Buddhism & Christianity
The official description of everything you need to know for your exams.
These are the official AQA GCSE textbooks that we use which are written by the lead examiners and the revision guide that they have produced that exactly matches our course options. David Worden is the man who writes the actual exams and some of the practice questions in his book have appeared in the real GCSE exams.
This is a list of seven revision & reading resources including the official AQA GCSE textbooks that we use which are written by the lead examiners and the revision guide that they have produced that exactly matches our course options. David Worden is the man who writes the actual exams and some of the practice questions in his book have appeared in the real GCSE exams.
On this Moodle webpage there is also a revision folder at the end of each of the four sections. At the very end of the page there is an exam folder as well.
An overview of what you will study
These are key words with definitions from the official Buddhism textbook written by examiners.
Flashcards for GCSE Buddhism which are free for Windows and some phone operating systems.
The summaries folder is the quickest way to access information. If you want greater depth go through the lesson folders which will be appearing here.
This is chapter 1 of AQA Religious Studies A: Buddhism by Kevin James and Nagapriya. This is written specifically for your course by examiners. There is more information in the book than you need to get a good pass. We normally don't have enough time to get through all this in lesson. However, if you make time to read this, it will really deepen your knowledge.
This is the fill-in-the-gaps booklet for learning Buddhist Beliefs. The accompanying information is from Revision Guide: Religious Studies A (9-1) Christianity & Buddhism by Marianne Fleming, Nagapriya & Peter Smith
This is a 14 minute summary of the Life of Buddha. There is a sheet that goes with this in the Lesson 1 folder for this topic.
This is about the teaching of the Buddha and what Buddhists must do to follow his ideas.
This is the idea that everything that exists depends on other circumstances.
Three aspects that apply to all things: dukkha (suffering), anicca (impermanence) & anatta (no soul)
Buddha's teaching on four aspects of suffering and how to overcome it. This is one of the most important teachings.
The fourth Noble Truth is that suffering can be cured by following the Eightfold Path. See also the end of the 'Four Noble Truths Summary (simpler)' handout.
There are two main types of Buddhism: Theravada & Mahayana
What makes Mahayana Buddhism different from Theravada?
Different beliefs about enlightened beings in Theravada & Mahayana Buddhism, including Six Perfections
The venn diagram is of the different types of Buddhism (e.g. Theravada, Pure Land) and how they relate to each other.
A diagram to be filled in for revision. It relates to Buddhist beliefs & practices.
This folder contains brief summaries of the content of Buddhist beliefs. It is the bare bones of what you need to know in simplified form.
- Buddha's Life
- Dependent Arising
- Dhamma
- Four Noble Truths
- Nibbana
- Three Marks of Existence.
This is an Anki file consisting of electronic flashcards to help you memorise the information on this topic. You can download the relevant software by going to . It is free for most operating systems and can be used on phones and devices as well as computers.
(See also Revision & Basic Recommended Reading in 'General' section above.)
The summaries folder is the quickest way to access information. If you want greater depth go to the 'information' files.
Taken from the textbook AQA Religious Studies A Buddhism by Kevin James & Nagapriya.
This is a tour of a Buddhist temple from the RE website True Tube.
This is an Anki file consisting of electronic flashcards to help you memorise the information on this topic. You can download the relevant software by going to . It is free for most operating systems and can be used on phones and devices as well as computers.
Includes virtual tour of a Buddhist Vihara (monastery)
The student booklet includes the 'Places of Worship' file within it.
Includes video links:
Chants & prayers by Buddhist monks in India (5 min):
Tibetan style worship in Nepal (4 min):
This is an aspect of meditation and related to worship. See also the last page of the 'Meditation Summary' sheet.
(See also Revision & Basic Recommended Reading in 'General' section above.)
For an explanation on Anki, see the description main Y11 page above in the section called 'General'.
Meditation Test is just a short quiz that I (MHa) used in class once.
The revision guide is the same one mentioned in the 'General' section: AQA GCSE Revision Guide Religious Studies A (9-1): Christianity & Buddhism. By Marianne Fleming, Nagapriya & Peter Smith. Oxford University Press, 2016.
See also some parts of the Y10 topics such as 'The Existence of God & Revelation' and 'Crime & Punishment' which have information that is relevant here.
The summaries folder is the quickest way to access information. If you want greater depth go through the lesson folders or the 'information' files.
The most important thing you can know about Christian belief is, 'God is love.' 1 John 4:16 The extracts below are from Song of Songs, a poem of the Bible where the lover represents God and the beloved represents his people. Instructions are at the bottom.
Song of Songs
He brought me to the banqueting house,
and his banner over me was love.
5 Sustain me with raisins;
refresh me with apples,
for I am sick with love.
6 His left hand is under my head,
and his right hand embraces me!
Arise, my love, my beautiful one,
and come away.
14 O my dove, in the clefts of the rock,
in the crannies of the cliff, let me see your face,
let me hear your voice, for your voice is sweet,
and your face is lovely.
Set me as a seal upon your heart,
as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death,
passion is fierce as Sheol,
Its flashes are flashes of fire,
the very flame of Yah.
7 Many waters cannot quench love,
neither can floods drown it.
1) Within the folder, 'Lesson 0: Love Songs', open the document called 'Divine Love Songs' and do what it says. (You will need to scroll up and click on 'Lesson 0: Love Songs' if you're not already in the page.)2) Drink tea.
This is a story that relates to the problem of evil & suffering.
This is a fascinating documentary about people who have survived resuscitation in hospital and have been able to describe afterlife experiences during the time in which they were momentarily dead. Some describe seeing themselves from outside their bodies and some describe going to heaven and meeting angels or lost relatives before coming round again in hospital.
The first 3 min seem ridiculous but the rest of the program is a lot more scientific so bear with it. There are one or two reconstructions of operations and at one point a doctor shows you a human brain. If you want to skip that bit it's at 21:10-21:47. It's not really a gory programme and you don't see any blood. All of the people interviewed survived their experiences.
Start with your weakest areas rather than taking them all in order. Some of these files are exercises and others are just summary sheets of information. Some do both. Don't try to memorise everything; just reading the sheet can be enough to refresh your memory.
(See also Revision & Basic Recommended Reading in 'General' section above.)
(See also exam questions at the end of the Y11 page.)
The summaries folder is the quickest way to access information. If you want greater depth go through the lesson folders on the 'information' files.
This is a classic old Pentecostal/Charismatic informal worship video from a conference in Toronto Vineyard Church, Canada. There is a party atmosphere with dancing and a lot of audience activity. Much of it is unplanned, spontaneous and from the heart. Some of it is a bit weird. If you've got no time just watch 5 min from 14:00.
This is a Catholic morning service from a church in Kent. The service is mostly led by the priests. Fixed prayers and the creed are said. Notice the ringing of the bell when the bread and wine are said to change into Jesus's body and blood. The actual service begins at 4:30.
Christmas & Easter celebrations
Food banks and Street Pastors
To change the view of the pdf, press 'ctrl', 'shift' and '+' together. This will rotate it.
The 'Worldwide Church' includes both persecution and reconciliation.
Start with your weakest areas rather than taking them all in order. Some of these files are exercises and others are just summary sheets of information. Some do both. Don't try to memorise everything; just reading the sheet can be enough to refresh your memory.
(See also Revision & Basic Recommended Reading in 'General' section above.)
(See also exam questions at the end of the Y11 page.)
More challenging information for those who want to learn in depth
The exam board has issued specimen papers to give you an idea of what the questions will look like in your exam. They have also released mark schemes so that you can work out how to gain full marks.
These are past paper questions. The mark schemes are the answers and guidance for examiners marking your papers.
For the Thematic Studies past papers, see the folder in the Y10 page: .
Buddhist Beliefs Questions - same PowerPoint as the one in the Buddhist Beliefs Section above.
Get out of jail with these multi-purpose quotes.