'Kiss the Son' by Kevin Prosch
A Christian response to evil The worship leader, Kevin Prosch wrote this song after meeting a young woman who had been terribly abused as a child. She asked him, 'Why did God let those things happen to me?' (Prosch himself had suffered violent beatings in childhood from his father.) He could give no answer and was heartbroken by her story but that night wrote this song. Lyrics are here: https://mojim.com/usy193710x2x6.htm
The comments on You Tube are worth reading.
Picture Taken from the story of the woman who had led a deeply sinful life but Jesus forgave and restored her. She wept over his feet. Luke 7:36-50. https://www.blueletterbible.org/nasb95/luk/7/36-50/s_980036
Click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtJAY5HKY28 link to open resource.