At GCSE level students are set into 6 groups depending on ability as assessed by the end-of-year test in year 9 and teachers' ongoing assessments.

The sets are on a rotation system, allowing two sets at a time to be taught biology, two chemistry, and two physics. This enable each set to be taught by experienced subject specialists.

Year 10
In year 10 students study AQA Science A, which is the first module of biology, chemistry and physics, often referred to as B1, C1 and P1. Each module consists of a number of topics.

2011/12: The students will take one exam in January and two in the summer exams.
2012/13: The exam board has changed to summer only exams, so B1, C1 and P1 will all take place in May/June time

Year 11
In year 11 students study AQA Science Additional, which is the second module of biology, chemistry and physics, often referred to as B2, C2 and P2. Again, each module consists of a number of topics. Those studying Triple Science also study B3, C3, and P3.

2011/12: The students will take one exam in January and two in the summer exams. [Triple Science students do extra exams in both windows]
2012/13: As 2011/12 (the exam board change will not affect current year 10)
Last modified: Monday, 23 July 2012, 3:59 PM